Curling - T2T - Explore

The goals of this camp are to improve curling skills and refine general athletic skills. Half of the camp will be spent in the Saville Community Sports Centre’s curling rink where participants will develop their set-up, drive, slide, release and sweeping. Basic tactical concepts related to gameplay will also be covered. The other half of the camp day will be dedicated to age-appropriate multi-sport activities designed to improve fundamental movement skills that support and complement the skills taught in the curling sessions.

  • No previous curling experience is required.
  • Brooms and sliders will be provided to those who need them.
  • In accordance with Curling Canada policy, participants under the age of 12 are required to wear a CSA approved helmet. Helmets are recommended, but not required for participants over the age of 12,
  • articularly for those with no previous curling experience.
  • Clean athletic shoes, and warm athletic clothing are required for on-ice sessions. A separate pair of athletic shoes and summer athletic clothing are required for the multi-sport sessions.
  • All participants will receive a camp hoodie.