Program: 19983 - 🍂 Lifesaving Society's Swim/Lifesaving/CPR Instructor | Recertification

Information: Prerequisite(s): To be eligible for recertification, Swim and/or Lifesaving Instrutors must have completed all mandatory updates (as required). Note: CPR Instructor is recertified in the course. Instructors will be appointed as Examiners by the Branch. This certication is Vaild for 2 years from the date of recertification.
Must bring copies of all your certifications to the course.

This course will be held in classroom 3-205 and in East Pool

🍂 Swim For Life/Lifesaving/CPR Instructor Recertification
16 +
Date Start End Instructor Location Venue
Saturday 9:00 AM 1:00 PM TBA East Pool Station 1
Multi-Purpose 3-205
Van Vliet Complex
Van Vliet Complex
From 06-Aug-2024 7:59 AM - Until 12-Sep-2024 12:01 AM
Price Group Price
Public $0.00
U of A Student $0.00


Class Start Class End Instructor Location Venue
14-Sep-2024 9:00 AM 14-Sep-2024 1:00 PM TBA East Pool Station 1 Van Vliet Complex